Cecilia de Agrela Pinto

Research Technician and Lab Manager

From the moment I was introduced to the concept of an enzyme in high school I have been fascinated by structural biology and it’s implications. In order to delve into this field, I studied Biochemistry for my bachelors and I obtained a master’s degree in Structural and Functional Biochemistry in Portugal. For my thesis I studied a two-component system that regulates copper homeostasis in bacteria. I then moved into a membrane protein crystallography group at ITQB, also in Portugal, where I worked with Dr. Margarida Archer. This is when I began to learn to love membrane proteins. During my time there I met Prof. Dr. Marc Baldus from Utrecht University, where I would later pursue my PhD. From 2014 to 2018, I was a PhD candidate at the Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research at Utrecht University. My research focused on utilizing solid-state NMR spectroscopy to study a large membrane protein complex that inserts other proteins into the outer membrane of E.coli.

In September 2018 I joined the Electron Nanoscopy Lab at the Department of Bionanoscience as a research technician and lab manager, shared with the Chirlmin Joo lab.

Whenever I am not at the lab I spend my time reading and pursuing artistic endeavours, such as painting (which I’m terrible at, but that doesn’t stop me!).
